May 29, 2018
Till now the chat app is quite boring, because you can only talk to yourself. But for synchronization of the message history with other computers you need some external service to store the data and send notifications about changes. Firebase delivers an all inclusive solution with a realtime database capable of syncing datasets to all connected clients.
The first step to get running is to create a new firebase app (or login with a google account). If you are logged in you should see something like this in the firebase console:
The “Add project” button opens a wizard with some questions about your project, select what is fitting for you (region, data sharing with google…). After creating the app the only part missing is the database to enable data storage for your project click on “GET STARTED” on the Database tile and on the next screen select “Realtime Database”. For the sake of simplicity select “start in test mode” but be aware to change the permissions as soon you go public with your app (rules documentation). Additionally to the database the chat needs some kind of authentication to match messages to users. For the example anonymous authentication is enough to enable it select “Authentication” in the firebase app console. Unter the “SIGN-IN METHOD” tab you can select the Anonymous provider and set it to enabled.
That’s it. Everything else is defined in the app code.
So next step is to install firebase:
npm install firebase
In the firebase console of your app you can get all config
information when you click on “Add Firebase to your web
app”. To initialize the app import initializeApp
from the
package and call it with the copied config information:
import { initializeApp } from "firebase"; const config = { apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE", authDomain: "AUTH_DOMAIN", databaseURL: "DATABASE_URL", projectId: "PROJECT_ID", storageBucket: "STORAGE_BUCKET_URL", messagingSenderId: "MESSAGING_SENDER_ID", }; const app = initializeApp(config);
In the chat-app are two collections of data, users and messages. Each collection with its own rules how to write and read data.
All database requests begin with the same pattern, at first you need a reference of the data you want to work with.
import { database } from "firebase"; database(app).ref(`path/to/the/peace/of/data`);
The built up data-reference can get more specified with some
query-functions like limitToLast(numberOfEntries)
. When the query is fine you can use
different functions to execute it, once(event_type)
for is
single time data-fetch, on(event_type, callback)
continuos updates, set(data)
to update/create the data at
the specified ref-adress, push(data)
to create a new entry
in this collection.
The functions to read and write userData are then defined as this:
const USERS_REF_NAME = "users"; export async function getUser(userId) { return (await database(app) .ref(`${USERS_REF_NAME}/${userId}`) .once("value")).toJSON(); } export async function writeUserData( userId, name, profilePic, ) { await database(app) .ref(`${USERS_REF_NAME}/${userId}`) .set({ id: userId, name, profilePic, }); }
In combination with the anonymous authentication, every client can create its own user or retrieve the stored user-data for its own generated id:
export async function getOrCreateAnonymousUser() { const anonymous = (await auth(app).signInAnonymously()) .user; let dbUser = await getUser(anonymous.uid); if (!dbUser) { await writeUserData(anonymous.uid, "", ""); dbUser = await getUser(anonymous.uid); } return dbUser; }
To observe changing data is a little more complicated.
Besides providing the callback to handle update you have to
provide some teardown logic. Like registerd event listeners
you can remove a callback by calling
.off(event_type, callback)
on the data-ref.
Creating an observable from the users collections then looks like this:
export function usersObservable() { return new Observable(observer => { const callback = dataSnapshot => { const usersJson = dataSnapshot.toJSON() || {}; const userArray = Object.keys(usersJson).map( userId => usersJson[userId], );; }; // notify observer on value changes database(app) .ref(USERS_REF_NAME) .on("value", callback); // return unsubscribe function return () => { database(app) .ref(USERS_REF_NAME) .off("value", callback); }; }); }
The constructed observable emits a new value (array of users), each time the collection in the database changes.
The complete implementation of the chat logic is available in the chat-app-3 repository.
Written by Kalle Ott for opencampus